HEY BRO - #0 - TV Interview TV78 - English subtitles

15/01/2018 - Hey Bro - 1 Dream - 1 Bike trip around the world - 1 Documentary 馃帴 - 2 Brothers - 45 Countries 馃實 - 80 000 Km 馃椇 路EN路 We were invited on the French local TV78 News Broadcast. A great opportunity for us to share with you details about our upcoming three years bike adventure around the world. Discover our goals, travel route and planning for this trip. Would you like to learn more about this trip? Have you ever experienced such an adventure? Would you like to do so in the future?聽 Let us know your thoughts about this project and let's start realizing our dream together. 路FR路 Nous 茅tions invit茅s sur le JT de TV78, une cha卯ne de t茅l茅vision locale des Yvelines. Un excellent moment pour partager nos engagements, notre aventure et pourquoi pas vous donner l'envie 脿 vous aussi de r茅aliser votre r锚ve. Hey Bro - http://www.hey-bro.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC61z4OTs1Y7dEFAFBKPDiKg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeyBroTrip/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heybrotrip/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeyBroTrip